Button: Solidarity With Ukraine
$2.50 $2.00 On Sale!
1.5" union-made button • 2022 • also available as a 3.75" x 7.5" bumpersticker.
Button: Dove & Ukraine Flag
1.25" button • 2022 • hand-assembled, image of a dove with an olive branch in its beak with Ukraine flag behind it. Symbolic of the Ukraine people and their determination for sovereignty, peace, independence and freedom.
Button: Together We Can Do It
2" x 2" Square • 2018 • Union made
Inspired by the original World War II poster featuring a white woman, the symbolic "Rosie The Riveter." This version is more ethnically inclusive for our times.
Button: I'm looking forward to looking back on all this
1.25" diameter • Han -assembled
Button: Celebrate Diversity
1" x 2" Rectangular Button • design by Donnelly/Colt © 1990
Our consistent best seller since 1990.
Also available as a bumpersticker, fridge magnet and now a magnet-backed
button to wear on clothing (without a pin).
Button: No Return to Illegal Coat Hanger Abortions
$2.25 $1.00 On Sale!
It's time to bring back the wordless, iconic button against a return to illegal abortion. The coat hanger was a grim graphic symbol in the 1970s for the movement to keep abortion safe and legal. A generation of young people today may not know the meaning of the coat hanger with the red slash across it, or know what it means. Now that the rightwing Supreme Court has gotten rid of women's right to safe, legal abortion in the U.S., this message is more important now than ever. Everyone thought the 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision protecting abortion rights was a "settled law" but it really wasn't. Under a far-right Supreme Court, we can't take anything for granted. These are from our metal lithographed print run in the 1990s: $1.00 each while supply lasts. Metal lithograhed buttons are no longer made anywhere. The last manufacturer, Adco Lirho in Chicago, closed in 2018. The era of those inexpensive, one-piece buttons printed directly on metal is gone forever, just like other now obsolete, but once essential things (carbon paper, typewriters, VHS video cassettes and players/recorders). We cannot let the right to safe, legal abortion become forever gone. Resist and challenge the growing movement toward theocracy and fascism in the U.S.
Button: Support Democracy in Haiti
1.5" Square button • The text on this button can be easily modified to be a statement about the Russian war against Ukraine. Revues the 1/4" line "IN HAITI" with a yellow Post-It" note you can handwrite: "IN UKRAINE" – or we can do it for you (just request that in the Customer Comments field (no extra charge).
The catastrophic earthquake in Haiti in 2010 jeopardizes any notion of democracy there. After the massive disaster, the economic and military aftershocks to the tragedy follows what Naomi Klein exposed in her best-selling book, "The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism." Supporting democracy in Haiti means financially supporting people-to-people aid efforts of non-governmental organizations like Partners In Health, and www.MutualAidDisasterRelief.org, Doctors Without Borders, Oxfam America.
Button: 1.5" Square "Black Lives Matter"
1.5" Square Button • white text on 3 color background • 2015
Button: Within The Contradiction Lies The Hope - Bertolt Brecht
1.25" Button
Button: The Airwaves Belong to the Listeners
$2.00 $0.50 On Sale!
(1.25" button) More relevant today than it was 33 years ago when we first introduced this button! In February 2011 Republicans in Congress voted to de-fund public radio (N.P.R.) and TV (P.B.S.) broadcasting This is the button that began Donnelly/Colt's buttonmaking back in 1977...
we created it for the local listeners support group, the Friends of WBAI... The issue is still very relevant today as corporate America has successfully privatized the airwaves, and the Reagan administration did away with the F.C.C.'s Fairness Doctrine, opening the floodgates to one-sided rightwing media consolidation and domination beginning in the 1980's
• [click on button title for more of the story]
Button: No Human Being is Illegal / No Ser Human es Ilegal
Button: Stop Scapegoating Immigrants
1.5" Square button
Why this button message is so important today: This issue is perennial, for decades in our country it rears its ugly idea that immigrants are less-human than we ourselves. There is an eloquently written piece written by a Canadian entitled "Why I'm Not Signing Your Petition..." worth reading and sharing. Print it out ( http://changethegame.ca/2015/11/19/even-so-im-not-giving-up-on-you/ ) and give it with this button to a friend. The present-day rise in popularity of scapegoating and hating immigrants is a very dangerous red flag signaling the disintegration of two of our greatest qualities – compassion and humanity among reactionary people and their movement. Narcissism and entitlement is the basis of this regression.
Button: "Peace" in Arabic, Hebrew and English
(1.25" Button)
Button: Value All Families
1.5" square
Button: God Favors No Group. Only Religions Do That
(1.5" button)
Button: "NO" to Trump (Red Circle & Slash over "TRUMP")
1.5" Button • 2024 • The international "No" symbol, a red circle & slash over the word "Trump," says it all, and is understood in many languages. Speak truth to the illegitimate power of the self-avowed Day One dictator who is dismantling democracy every day of his regime.
Also available in bulk: 100: $1 each ($100) • 250: 85¢ each ($212) • 500: 60¢ each ($300) • 1,000: 40¢ each ($400) • 2,500: 35¢ each ($875)
Button: No More Troops to Afghanistan
$2.00 $1.00 On Sale!
(1.5" Button) The situation in Afghanistan is a nightmare.
The surge has not worked. As we escalated the war, the insurgency fought harder and grew in numbers. Western troops are seen as foreign occupiers in the Afghan homeland, and now have murdered 16 civilians, including little children, in the middle of the night in Kandahar province. The surge has produced a record number of coalition and Afghan deaths, injuries and lost limbs. The surge has not stopped the momentum of the insurgency; just last year there were over 16,000 IED attacks against U.S. troops – a record number. Bring our troops home. Call your member of Congress toll-free at 877-429-0678
Button: If you don't like the news go out and make some of your own
1.75" Button • This saying was the audio tagline of alternative San Francisco radio journalist Wes "Scoop" Nisker, whose commentaries were broadcast on KSAN-FM from the late 1960's through the '70's. It made sense then and still does today. "Scoop" also entitled his 1994 book with this phrase he popularized. The book is long out-of-print, but Amazon offers a new copy for $188! It originally sold for $14.95.
Button: Another Bleeding Heart for Justice and Equality
5/8" x 2-1/2" rectangular.
Button: STOP Tar Sands Pipeline
$2.00 $0.75 On Sale!
1.5" square button. Also available as a 3.75" x 7.5" bumpersticker. Code: S-STSP
Button: Justice for Trayvon Martin
$1.00 $0.50 On Sale!
1.50" Button
Button: Black Lives Matter
1.5" round hand-assembled button
Button: No Justice No Peace
1.75" button
Button: Buy Union Made
1" button
Button: "Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that." - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
1" x 2" • Quote from M.L.K. (1967) from his book "Where Do We Go From Here?"
Button:You can't put STUDENTS FIRST if you put TEACHERS LAST
1.5" button
Button: The Price of Apathy is to be ruled by evil men" - Plato
1.5": Square button • quote from ancient Greek philosopher Plato (428 B.C. - 348 B.C.) as true today as it was then.
Button: Rennaisance Sun
(1" diameter) hand assembled, in black on white, from a 16th century printed image of the sun.
Button: Pete Seeger
1" Button. Pete Seeger (1917-2014) An amazing grace, an enduring life & legacy. Hand-assembled button. Pete would have been 100 years old in 2017.
• Click Button title for more info . . .
Button: Just Peace
1.5" x 1.5" Square Button • designed by Linda Sawaya
The word "peace" is shown in Hebrew and Arabic in white on the small turquoise rectangles.
1" Round Rainbow Triangle Graphic Button
1" round rainbow triangle graphic on a white background • hand assembled
Button: If You Think Education Is Expensive Try Ignorance
1.75" Button
Button: Peace not War / Generosity not Greed / Empathy not Hate / Creativity not Destruction / Everybody not just Us
1.5" Button
Button: Robin Hood Was Right
1" button
On Nov. 13, 1953 (during the McCarthy era) Mrs. Thomas J. White of the Indiana Textbook Commission, called for the removal of references to the book Robin Hood from textbooks used by the state's schools. Mrs. Young claimed that there was "a Communist directive in education now to stress the story of Robin Hood because he robbed the rich and gave it to the poor. (thanks to the Zinn Education Project for bringing this little-known fact to light on the 59th anniversary of this effort at censorship.
Button: No Room In My Heart for Prejudice
2.25" Button
Button: Change The Future
The newest size and shape button: one inch square. A message for all time. The future can always improve on the present, if we make the positive changes needed. Out-of-print, few left.
Button: We Call BS
1.25" • hand assembled
from the moving speech by Stoneman Douglas High School student Emma Gionzales, in Parkland, Florida. She was one of the students who survived the Valentine's Day shooting massacre in 2018, that launched a student gun reform movement to challenge the N.R.A. and the gun industry. "We Call BS" can apply to so many issues, but it started in response to the lies and bullshit that always are put out by the gun loibby after every mass killing.
Students are sick and tired of being sick and tired. Show your solidarity.
Button: Say No To Advertising - Consume Less
1.25" Button • "Say No Tio advertising - Consume Less" with image of Santa Claus.
Button: BULLY
1.5" Hand Assembled • Image of Trump
Button: Can't Kill The Spirit
1.25" Button • "Can't Kill the Spirit / Stopo Racist Attacks"
The image is of a church burning. This is a continuing terrorist strategy of white racists in the souther U.S. We produced this button in the 1990s when this kind of terror / hate crime happened. Sadly, it's being done again, with more ferocious frequency by racists who want to start a civil war.
Button: Nasty Woman
1" diameter hand assembled button.
Button: Resist (b)
1.75" diameter • 2017 • Black background, white woodcut
code: R-rev
Button: Woman's Place is in the Resistance
1.5" hand assembled button.
Thnaks to Cindy Lauper for the inspiration for this one.
Button: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun-Damental Rights
1.25" diameter hand-assembled button.
Button: Fight Back
1.25" button. Out-of-print, only a few left.
Button: Black Triangle symbol
1.25" button • The black triangle was the symbol the Nazi's demanded lesbians to wear in public as a sewn-on patch during the Holocaust in World War 2. Like the pink triangle for homosexual men, the black triangle has long been used by lesbians as a symbol of resistance to repression. A conversation starter for this who don't know what it means.
Button: Clenched Fists Broken Chain
$3.95 $3.00 On Sale!
1.5" x 3/4" new oval shape • Hand assembled • graphic of clenched fists and a broken chain, no text • 2017
Button:"Our Lives Begin to End the Day We Become Silent About Things that Matter." – Martin Luther King, Jr.
$3.00 $2.25 On Sale!
2" x 2" Square button • M.L.K. quote:
"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."
$5.00 $4.00 On Sale!
1" x 2" NEW ITEM: Magnet Backed Button for wearing on clothing
© 1990 Donnelly/Colt • Our most popular pin-backed button is now available as a two-piece magnet-backed pinless button in the same size as then original. It has a powerful magnet on back and a separate small piece of metal with rounded edges and corners to put on the inside of a shirt, delicate fabric or thin sweater, that holds it firmly in place, so you don't have to put a hole through the fabric.
Button: "Truth Is On The Side of the Oppressed" – Malcolm X
1.75" Button
Button: Everyone Makes a Difference
1" x 2" Rectangular Button.
Button: love trumps hate
1.5" Button • "Love Trumps Hate"
Button: Nobody Is Free Until EVERYBODY Is Free - Fannie Lou Hamer
1.75" Round Button • Union Made
Button: It's Too Bad That The People Who Really Know How To Run the Country Are Busy TEACHING SCHOOL!
1.75" • hand-assembled
Button: Progress Pride Flag 1" x 2"
The new Progress Pride Flag 1" x 2 rectangular button is printed in 10 colors! Offset lithographed in ten separate runs through the printing press for maximum accuracy of colors.