Box 188
Hampton, CT
(860) 455-9621

Can't find something you're looking for? Just
ask, and we'll let you know if we have it or can get it.
CD: Music For A Better World - Tha Truth
$17.00 $10.00 On Sale!
by political artist Tha Truth • 2013 • 22 tracks.
The latest of four music CDs we carry by political activist and singer/songwriter Tha Truth. We don't carry music , but his work stands out as so unique, so positive, and it's so hard-to-find elsewhere. You won't find it on YouTube. Incisive, insightful, poetic and unlike so much else in music. It's music distilled from the reality of life in these United States at this time in history. Tha Truth gets to the best in us, in the worst of times. The album title is what it's all about: Music for a better world. This artist deserves the recognition he doesn't get, because in the business of the music industry, challenging the way the world works is rarely well-received or even heard by very many. You can be one more catalyst for change by playing this music. Link to it on your blog, Facebook page or website; get it played on your local college, community or commercial radio station. Send the CD to a D.J. you know and like. Spread the word. It's music to make this world a better place.
His best yet.
• Click on album title at the top to see the track listings.
Bumpersticker: Work For Peace And Social Justice
$2.25 $2.00 On Sale!
License Plate Frame: Work For Peace And Social Justice
LAST 8 LEFT (to be discontinued when they've all sold) From our friends at the Committee Opposed to Militarism and the Draft (COMD) in San Diego comes this license plate frame with white lettering screenprinted on 95% Recycled durable black polystyrene. Union made in the U.S.
You can CUSTOM ORDER license plate frames with your own wording (minimum 100 all the same) at $1.95 each ($195.00 + $50 set-up) Choose from 25 imprint colors on Black, White, Grey, Royal Blue r Red frame color. Production time: 5 working days. Shipping weight for 100: 17 lbs. Shipping method: UPS Ground (100 in one carton) Made in N.Y.C. - Call us 860 455-9621 or
email or TEXT to 860 428-4867 to place a custom order.
Button: Hatred Feeds War; Breeds Fear; Fuels Hatred
(1.5" Square)
CD: The People's Music
$17.00 $12.00 On Sale!
by political rap/hip-hop artist Tha Truth • 2008 • 19 tracks
"Tha Truth" is a conscious, political hip hop artist, poet and raptivist known around the Philadelphia area for battling imperialism, inequality, corruption and discrimination. He has performed in countless venues at concerts, colleges, demonstrations, conferences and benefits. This album was heavily influenced by Howard Zinn's classic best-selling book "A People's History of the United States (from 1492 to Present)" On this CD, Tha Truth sums up the suppressed real history of the U.S., alerting listeners to the most critical issues. Every track can be played in the classroom; there's no obscene, sexist, racist or homophobic language. The material is articulate, informed eloquent and inspiring.
• To listen to tracks from the CD, go to:
Through his complex, impressive rhyme patterns he describes how these issues go back through time, and offers specific ways to fix them. He takes on bigotry, poverty, pollution, corporate privatization of resources, workers' rights, U.S. health care, corporate media, military recruitment, the poverty draft, the death penalty, immigrant rights, the prison-industrial complex, U.S. foreign policy/empire, New Orleans recovery efforts, homophobia and so much more.
• Click on title for more info . . .
Paper Crane Mobiles
Beautiful, paper cranes, symbols of peace. Each string now has seven paper cranes hand-folded from Japanese rice paper, in rich, bright colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet and indigo. These simple, graceful origami mobiles were originally hand-crafted and strung by our sons, Andrew and Cal, who were inspired to make these after taking part in the 50th anniversary commemoration in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan August 1995, when they were eleven and thirteen.
Each crane is individually hand folded, assembled and strung by Keiko Nabb, a Japanese-American artist.
Bumpersticker: "Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved through understanding" Albert Einstein
Bumpersticker: If you want Peace work for Justice
2.75" x 15"
Bumpersticker: "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace." - Jimi Hendrix
Bumpersticker: Sow Justice / Reap Peace
$2.25 $2.00 On Sale!
2.75" x 15" • Dark Green ink on white sticker
Bumpersticker: There's no way to peace; Peace is the way.
Bumpersticker: Teach Peace
3.75" x 7.5"
Bumpersticker: Speak Out For Peace
Bumpersticker: War is Costly; Peace is Priceless
Bumpersticker: Wage Peace
Button: Stop Funding the Occupation
(1.75" Button)
Button: Peace (olive branch)
(1" button)
Button: Peace Sign Musical Note
(1" button)
Button: Peacemaker
(5/8" x 2.5" Rectangular Metal Litho Button)
Button: "If We Are To Reach Real Peace In This World We Shall Have To Begin With The Children." Gandhi
(1.75" Button) Ghandi was right about this: we will really have to start with the children. Every generation will have to start with their own chilldren, and do their best to rauisethem better than they tehmselves were raised, if we are ever to expect a different outcome when they become the adults and run the world.
Button: "Peace" in Arabic, Hebrew and English
(1.25" Button)
Button: "True Peace is Not Merely the Absence of War. It is the Presence of Justice" MLK
(2" x 2" Square Button) • a perennial favorite button to commemorate Dr. King's birthday and national holiday in the U.S. every January 15th, or the date of the 1963 March On Washington (August 28th) or the date of his Riverside Church speech, "Why I'm Opposed to the War In Vietnam" (April 4, 1967 – exactly one year before his assassination).
• Click on button title above to read a poem related this button
Button: Holiday Wreath shaped like a peace symbol
$2.00 $1.00 On Sale!
(1.5" Button) • also available as 1.5" Small Labels, product code SL-PSW-10
• Click on title for some of the back story...
Button: If You Want Peace Work For Justice
(1.5" Button)
Button: juStice equaliTy peAce eNvironment freeDom
1.5" • 1" x 2" rectangular • designed by Laura Talman
Button: Peace and Justice
1.5" square button • © 1981 John St. John
Button: Peace Dove Graphic-Peace in English, Arabic and Hebrew
(1.5" Square Button) Full color pinting by Artists for Mid-East Peace, with "Peace" in English, Hebrew and Arabic.
Button: Peace Sign Graphic
(1" Metal Lithographed Button) This is the Original, designed over sixty years ago in 1958 by Gerald Holtom for the English Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament. Inside the back of this button is a very tiny and very brief few words about the origin of the peace sign.
The last metal lithograph printer in North America went out of business in 2018, We cannot gt any more Metal Lithoigraphed buttons again. We only have a few dpzrn left. These are only available at the retail price. They are now collector's itms, and will increase in value into the foreseeable future.
We also offer the peace sign on a cloissonne jewelry pin with a clutchback secure attachment on the back. The product code for that is JP-PS58.
Both the button and the jewelry pin are union-made in the U.S. Small enough to wear with anything from the most casual to the most formal.
• Click on button title for the rest of the story...
Button: Rainbow Peace Sign
1.75" round button with a metallic silver peace sign and seven horizontal bands of bright colors behind it. A popular classic.
Button: Teach Peace
(1.25" Button)
Button: There's No Way to Peace - Peace is the Way
(1.5" Button) These words are attributed to the pacifist A. J. Muste, but he may hve borrowed them from elsewhere. Their point is that the process is the way; an end in itself. This could be quite the conversation-starter at a get-together or Twelve-Step meeting.
Button: Wage Peace
1" Button • hand assembled
Button: Women's Sign Peace Sign Symbol
1" Button • Hand assembled when ordered.
Button: Work for Peace
(1.25" Button)
Poster: The Golden Rule
$15.00 $12.00 On Sale!
Black type and maroon images on Recycled natural 80-pound stock • 11" x 17 • Best-selling poster, fewer than 8 left.
Text reads – Hinduism: Everything you should do you will find in this: Do nothing to others / That would hurt you if it were done to you. (Mahabharata 5:1517
Buddhism: Do not offend others / As you would not want to be offened. (Udanavarga 5:18)
Taoism: The successes of your neighbor and their losses / Will be to you as if they were your own. (T'ai-Shand Kan-Ying Pien)
Confucianism: Is there any rule that one should follow all of one's life? / Yes! The rule of the gentle goodness: / That which we do not wish to be done to us, we do not do to others. (Analectas 15:23)
Judaism: That which you do not wish for yourself / You shall not wish for your neighbor. / This is the whole law: the rest is only commentary. (Talmud Shabbat 31^)
Christianity: In everything, do to others what / You would have them do to you. / For this sums up the law and the prophets. (Matthew 7:12)
Islam: None of you shall be true believers / Unless you wish for your brother / The same that you wish for yourself. (Sunnatt)
Earth Wisdom: Do one of the above; / And live in such a way that you will enrich, and not diminish, / Our relatives in the Earth family / Of animals and plants, soil, air, and water.
DVD: Sir! No Sir!
$20.00 $15.00 On Sale!
The untold story of the G.I. movement to end the war in Vietnam
Directed by David Zeiger • 2006 • 84 mnutes
• "The voices of the veterans alone, however, make this an important and poignant film that can speak to any generation." - John McMurtrie, S.F. Cronicle
• Click on film title for more information and reviews.
DVD: One Bright Shining Moment
$30.00 $25.00 On Sale!
A film by Stephen Vittoria • 2005 •125 minutes • featuring the music of Bob Dylan, Robbie Robertson, Donovan, Leon Russell and Elvis Costello.
******George McGovern (1922-2012) R.I.P.******
• FOUR STARS – Christian Science Monitor
• "Hearing and seeing McGovern makes it all too apparent what is missing in contemporary Washington." – Los Angeles Times
• "A riveting tale of idealism versus cynicism." – N.Y. Daily News
• "Well-researched." – New York Times
• "Tremendously thought-provoking."
– CBS Radio
• "An elegant homage. It illuminates much of the political landscape of the '60's and early '70's - as well as today," – Minneapolis City Pages
• Click on title for more reviews...
Book: Addicted To War: Why The U.S. Can't Kick Militarism
$10.00 $7.50 On Sale!
77 pages • 161 reference notes • 8.5" x 11" graphic format • Over 375,000 in print!
An illustrated expose by Joel Andreas, "Addicted to War" takes on the most active, powerful and destructive military in the world. Hard-hitting, carefully documented and heavily illustrated, it reveals why the United States has been involved in more wars in recent years than any other country.
The book reveals the terrible fact of the U.S.'s addiction to war and militarism, as well as powerful insights into the causes. In a format accessible to kids from nine to ninety-nine. Packed with historical photos and quotes, the book explains who benefits from our wars, who pays and who dies. Highly recommended from High school age and up. Donate a copy to your school and community library.
The book is endorsed by Veterans For Peace. This Third Edition has been updated in 2004 and 14 more pages have been added covering the war against Iraq. It has been translated into Japanese, Korean, Thai, Danish and German. A Spanish edition is also available from us. It is being used in hundreds of high schools and colleges as a supplemental U.S. history text. Watch a 4 minute video created from the first pages of the book.
Click on title for reviews and the author's Preface to the book...
Book: Adicto a la Guerra [Espanol ed.]
$10.00 $5.00 On Sale!
The same best-selling graphic history book, "Addicted To War" translated into Spanish. A must-read for Spanish-speaking recruitment-age youth.
Paper Crane Mobile: Design Paper
Beautiful, paper cranes, symbols of peace. These simple, graceful origami mobiles were originally hand-crafted and strung by our sons, Andrew and Cal, who were inspired to make these after taking part in the 50th anniversary commemoration in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan August 1995. These are made of rice paper imported from Japan, in many beautiful, ornate print designs. No two mobiles are alike! Each one is indivually folded, assembled and strung by Keiko Nabb, a Japanese-American artist.
Envelope Label: Teach Peace
Sheet of 12 envelope labels. Each oval label is 3/4" x 1.5". Fits on business cards, personal checks, envelopes, convention badges, name tags, postcards, notecards, notebooks, cellphones, etc. A good item to offer people who visit your table or booth at an event. We've handed out tens of thousands of individual labels at conferences over the years.
These few remaining sheets are the last of a 100,000 print run from over 20 years ago. We no longer can afford to print thousands at a time and take years to sell them in small quantities. If you want these (or any other one-color message/design of this same size. shape label on sheets of a dozen. The minimum we can print is 1,000 83 sheets of a dozen per sheet or on a roll of 1,000) for $$215 + postage (shipping weight: 1 pound) The price is for any one ink color (for text or design or background, with white text and/or design).
CD: The Mis-Education of the Masses
$17.00 $12.00 On Sale!
by political rap/hip-hop artist Tha Truth • 2010 • 1 hour, 11.5 minutes
Tha Truth is a conscious/political underground hip hop artist and "rap-tivist" (rapper-activist) known around the Philadelphia area for battling inequality, poverty, discrimination, and injustice. He has performed in countless venues at concerts, colleges, demonstrations, conferences, and benefits. Since 2006 Tha Truth has released three critically acclaimed underground political rap albums that attack the forces that maintain the status quo.
mix: truth, revolution, struggle, the red pill from the matrix, V for Vendetta, fightclub, the spirits of Bob Marley, Howard Zinn, and George Carlin, then add the Simpsons, the Boondocks, and fighting the system, and cook for 60 minutes.
"Tha Mis-Education of the Masses" was released on May 19th 2010 (Malcolm X's birthday). Tha Truth chose this release date purposely to honor freedom fighters Malcolm X and also Harvey Milk (whose birthday is May 22nd). This CD expands on the themes of equality and justice as his previous projects, while adding substantial doses of sarcastic wit, mind bending and humorous metaphors, and a variety of diversified beats comprised from Middle Eastern live percussion/drums, native flutes, acoustic and rock guitar, reggaeton, and a lot of the lost arts of DJ scratching and mixing.
• Click on the title for more information . . .
Flag: 3' x 5' Earth Flag
$45.00 $39.00 On Sale!
This is the largest version of teh Eartn Flag we stock: 3' x 5' High-Quality, durable Flag with two brass grommets.
DVD: The Ground Truth
Produced & directed by Patricia Foulkrod (2006) • 1 hour 18 minutes.
This film may well be the best feature-length documentary about recently-returned Iraq war veterans yet made. Ideally, show it in conjunction with the film, "Soldiers Speak Out" (28 minutes). Together they make a very persuasive case against war, militarism and sacrifice to a trumped-up false "noble" cause.
• Click on film title for more info and review excerpts.
Small Labels: Peace Sign Wreath/set of 100
1.5" Round Paper Labels • 5 sheets of twenty labels per sheet (100 total)
Use on holiday cards and envelopes, as well as year-round. Hand them out at events, put on gift boxes, bags, postcards.
Small Labels: Peace Sign Wreath / set of ten
SL-PSW-10 • 1.5" Round • ten per sheet.
Use these small labels on envelopes, cards, or stick them anywhere. We sell these at our cost.
We also have these labels in stock in packs of 100. See item code: SL-PSW-100
Button: Peace not War / Generosity not Greed / Empathy not Hate / Creativity not Destruction / Everybody not just Us
1.5" Button
Yard Sign: No War On Iran
$10.00 $5.00 On Sale!
18” x 24” corrugated plastic yard sign printed on both sides, steel “H” style stake included. Waterproof, sturdy.
Paper Self-Stick Labels: Peace Sign Wreath
Self-stick Paper Labels • 1.5" Round • Digitally printed full color • 20 per sheet • Union printed • 2019
These stickers are perfect to put on envelopes for letters, holiday cards, postcards and other mailings. The same image as our 1.5" button (item PSW)
Button: Dove & Ukraine Flag
1.25" button • 2022 • hand-assembled, image of a dove with an olive branch in its beak with Ukraine flag behind it. Symbolic of the Ukraine people and their determination for sovereignty, peace, independence and freedom.
Poster: Sing & Shout...Pete Seeger (1919-2014)
18" x 24" offset lithographed print • 2014 • photograph of Pete Seeger by Bob Fitch • published by Resource Center for Nonviolence 6/14 • union printed
This photograph of Pete Seeger was taken when he was fifty in 1969, three years past the halfway point of his 94 year life, which spanned most of the 20th century and influenced folk music as well as the peace, social and environmental justice movements of the last half century. Thank you, Pete, for your service to both your country and the world, as a global citizen.
Postcard: Music vs. Tanks
4" x 6" postcard, union-printed. New Yok street artist Eric Drooker's scratchboard illustration, dramatically printed in opaque white on black background, has an intense graphic power and visual impact.