Poster: Buttons of the Cause (1960-2003)
24" x 36" Offset lithographed OUT-OF-PRINT LAST FEW OF THIS PRINT are still available. The publisher not be reprinting this. Poster created by a button collector and activist from his personal collection of hundreds of buttons from the 1960 to 2003. From Malcolm X to Generation X...from Black Power to nuclear power this is the poster that took 43 years to create. Even if you don't agree with the protests, events and demonstrations featured on these buttons, no one can argue that this contemporary art work is sure to spark conversation. With over 370 original buttons and 260 historical footnotes, this colorful art print poster is everything but black and white. This poster is not sold in stores or other catalogues. An impressive and colorful graphic history of American progressive causes of the late 20th century. A fascinating addition to any classroom, dorm room or home.
Click on title for more information about the poster...
Poster: The Golden Rule
$15.00 $12.00 On Sale!
Black type and maroon images on Recycled natural 80-pound stock 11" x 17 Best-selling poster, fewer than 8 left.
Text reads Hinduism: Everything you should do you will find in this: Do nothing to others / That would hurt you if it were done to you. (Mahabharata 5:1517
Buddhism: Do not offend others / As you would not want to be offened. (Udanavarga 5:18)
Taoism: The successes of your neighbor and their losses / Will be to you as if they were your own. (T'ai-Shand Kan-Ying Pien)
Confucianism: Is there any rule that one should follow all of one's life? / Yes! The rule of the gentle goodness: / That which we do not wish to be done to us, we do not do to others. (Analectas 15:23)
Judaism: That which you do not wish for yourself / You shall not wish for your neighbor. / This is the whole law: the rest is only commentary. (Talmud Shabbat 31^)
Christianity: In everything, do to others what / You would have them do to you. / For this sums up the law and the prophets. (Matthew 7:12)
Islam: None of you shall be true believers / Unless you wish for your brother / The same that you wish for yourself. (Sunnatt)
Earth Wisdom: Do one of the above; / And live in such a way that you will enrich, and not diminish, / Our relatives in the Earth family / Of animals and plants, soil, air, and water.
Poster: Price of Silence
$15.00 $13.00 On Sale!
11" x 17" Hand silkscreen printed on ivory textured matte finish poster stock. Designed and union-printed by Ricardo Levins Morales.
This beautiful hand lettered text was inspired by the famous quotation from the journal of Pastor Martin Niemoeller, who was imprisoned in a Nazi concentration camp in World War II. This present-day revision of the text updates the meaning while honoring the spirit of the original words. See our other poster, item # P-NQ, for Niemoller's original quotation which inspired this updated version.
Poster: Early Warning Signs of Fascism
$15.00 $10.00 On Sale!
Early Warning Signs Of Fascism 12" x 24" 2016 P-EWSF
Laurence W. Britt wrote about the common signs of fascism in April, 2003, after researching seven fascist regimes: Hitler's Nazi Germany; Mussolini's Italy; Franco's Spain; Salazar's Portugal; Papadopoulos' Greece; Pinochet's Chile; Suharto's Indonesia. Post this when then most people will be able to read it and realize that it applies to our own "Homeland" (the same word the used to describe their nation). Put this poster up in community centers, clubs, town halls, libraries, schools, workplaces, churches, synagogues mosques.
Also available ads a postcard: P-EWSF
For more info & to read the text click on the link below . . .
Poster: Places the U.S. Hs Bombed Since World War II
$15.00 $12.00 On Sale!
11" x 15" ODigital print designed by Josh McFee of Just Seeds 2009
Our nation outspends every other nation on earth, combined, in on war and preparation for war. It's a war and militaism dependent economy. No wonder we have had war on a nearlty continuous basis since W.W. II. This poster shows the countries we've waged war against. Simple yet powerful graphics tell the grim story of our national addictioin to war.
Poster: Hope Has Two Beautiful Daughters; their names are anger and courage.
11" x 17" art by Janna Schneider Pink, blue and white on black
"Hope has two beautiful daughters; their names are Anger and Courage.
Anger at the way things are, and Courage to see that they do not remain as they are." St. Augustine (354-430 A.D.)
Poster: The world in which you were born is just one model of reality. Other Cultures Are Not Failed Attempts at Being You; they are unique manifestations of the human spirit
$25.00 $15.00 On Sale!
Quote from Wade Davis 12" x 24"
Poster: Never Doubt
$18.00 $15.00 On Sale!
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead Quote (Donnelly/Colt ©1995). 11"x17". 67 pound vellum stock.
P-Character Growth Wall Chart
4.5" x 39" long 2009 Matte finish cardstock, fan-folded to 4.5" x 9.75"
Here's a low-cost gift that will be treasured for years. Kids love to check to see how tall they have grown. Parents need more opportunities to talk about virtues and character with their children. We've put these two together to create a growth chart that includes seventy child-appropriate positive attributes one every half-inch from 36 to 70 inches.
Click on title of this item for the rest of this description.
Poster: Reclaim The Commons
11 x 17" poster art by Ricardo Levins Morales union printed
In an age of corporate commercial privatization of nearly every institution once held in common for the use of all, we need to reclaim and retain as part of our commonwealth all such essentials as water, roads, parks, and more.
Poster: Hate Free Zone
Art by Amy Bartell 2010 8" x 10" 80 pound matte finish photo stock.
Poster: If You Can Walk...
"If You Can Walk You Can Dance / If You Can Talk You Can Sing" A saying from Zimbabwe (Burning Spear Publications). Printed on heavy (14 point) ivory poster stock, 11"x17"
Poster: Labor Movement
11" x 17" design by Ricardo Levins Morales
Social progress for humanity did not happen by itself and it will not defend itself. Organized workers struggled long and hard for every workplace gain that's been achieved. Only organized people can do that.
Poster: No Struggle No Progress - Frederick Douglass P-NSNP
18" x 24" 100 pound poster stock union printed 2013
"...Power concedes nothing without a struggle. It never did and it never will. - August 3, 1857"
Biographic notes on poster outline many facets of this remarkable man's life: abolitionist, women's rights advocate, orator, publisher, theoretician. Sponsor: Onondaga Historical Assoc.
Also available as a 4" x 6" postcard (PC-NSNP)
Poster: Change The World
18" x 24" 80 pound print stock photograph of Dorothy Day by Bob Fitch published by the Resource Center for Nonviolence, Santa Cruz, CA
Dorothy Day, the radical Catholic Worker activist at a United Farm Workers protest in Lamont, CA in July, 1973. Print run: 1,000 copies.
Click on title to read the complete text on the poster...
Poster: Bread & Roses
11" x 17" digital print Design by Ricardo Levins Morales
The strike was won March 14, 1912
Rose Schneiderman, pioneering labor organizer and feminist, coined the title phrase. It was later associated with the important and successful Lawrence, Mass. textile strike of 1912, and made widely popular through the James Oppenheim song.
Poster: We Are The Mainstream
$15.00 $13.00 On Sale!
11" x 17" digital print by Ricardo Levins Morales
Poster: General Strike May 1
18 x 24" 80 pound matte finish stock 2012 design by Molly Crabapple & John Leavitt
Poster: Molly Ivins
$15.00 $11.00 On Sale!
11" x 17" designed by Ricardo Levins Morales
The words of the late progressve writer Molly Ivins (1944-2007) to inspire us in our lives.
Poster: Sing & Shout...Pete Seeger (1919-2014)
18" x 24" offset lithographed print 2014 photograph of Pete Seeger by Bob Fitch published by Resource Center for Nonviolence 6/14 union printed
This photograph of Pete Seeger was taken when he was fifty in 1969, three years past the halfway point of his 94 year life, which spanned most of the 20th century and influenced folk music as well as the peace, social and environmental justice movements of the last half century. Thank you, Pete, for your service to both your country and the world, as a global citizen.
Poster: Welcome
Accordion Poster 4" x 35" 2012
Each of the seven 4" x 5 WELCOME panels contains a beautiful letter filled-in with graphics from a previously published Syracuse Cultural Workers product, and a progressive saying which begins with the panels letter. This inspirational poster will welcome people to your home, office, place of worship, classroom or any other location you want to have awarm, inviting "Welcome message on display. It can also be used as a booklet/gift for welcoming rituals.
Folded, it comes with a strng through a hole at the top to hang it.
Poster: Eugene V. Debs Quote
$15.00 $13.00 On Sale!
11" x 17" 2012 scratchboard art by Ricardo Levins Morales
Poster: Every Girl Every Boy
$18.00 $14.00 On Sale!
18" x 24" poster on 100 pound poster stock 100% recyced post-consumer paper, printed with soy inks Text: J.T Bunnell and Irit Reinheimer, based on a poem by Nancy R. Smith Image: Laura Newburn
Expand the conversation around gender!
also available as a postcard: PC-EGEB
Poster: Columbus did not discover the new world, he invaded it.
$10.00 $5.00 On Sale!
11" x 17" 1992 designed for the 500th anniversary of the 1492 arrival of Columbus, and the subsequent exploitation, enslavemnent and death (by European diseases such as smallpox) of the indigenous Taino people in the "new world." offset pinted on a textured 70 pound Talc-colored cover stock.
Poster: The ABC's of Organizing
$15.00 $12.00 On Sale!
11" x 17" by Ricardo Levins Morales
Poster: Independent Alternative Media
$15.00 $10.00 On Sale!
2008 11" x 17" print designed by Ricardo Levins Morales.
Whether it's magazines, weekly papers, pirate low-power radio, cable TV channels, or internet broadcasting, alternative media tell our stories when the mainstream media does not. And alternative media is increasingly under attack.
Poster: Gone With The Wind: Reagan & Thatcher in 1981 Nuclear Armageddeon Satire Movie Poster
24" x 36" Matte Finish 100 pound cover stock 1981
The beginning of the downward spiral from progress to the increasing wealth of the 1%. This poster is a classic from the resistance movement during the Reagan/Thatcher era. Last remaining copies of the original U.S. imprint run of this satiric take-off of the "Gone With The Wind" movie poster. Lots of humorous details. When these are sold out, they're gone ...with the wind. And still at its original 1981 price of $4 ! (shipping at today's prices is at least another $5; we will charge the exact cost of shipping the poster rolled in a sturdy tube)
Poster: Environmental Justice
11" x 17" design by Ricardo Levins Morales 2006
11" x 17" print on 67 pound vellum cover stock 2013
Originally abvaialble oly as a postcard (PC-HA) this now now available as a small poster print.
Poster: Woody Guthrie Quote
$15.00 $12.00 On Sale!
11" x 17"" 67 pound matte finish poster stock Digitally printed from the (now closed) Northland Poster Collective woodcut design by Ricardo Levins Morales
Bastille Day (July 14th) 2012 marked the 100th anniversary of the birth of the legendary American folksinger/songwriter, troubadour, friend to the downtrodden Woody Guthrie.
Now, also available as a Postcard: PC-WGQ
Poster: Keep Calm & Carry On. NO THANKS. I'd Rather Raise Hell & Change The World
11" x 17" poster 67 pound cover stock union printed 2013 also available as a postcard (PC-KC)
Poster: The ABC's of Green Living
24" x 36" 100% post-consumer recycled 100 pound weight print stock by Donna Tarbania, Karen Kerney (illustrations and design), Dik Cool and many friends © 2010 Green living defined letter by letter with 26 illustrations.
Click on the title to see an enlarged version of the poster that's legible.
Poster: If You Want Peace Work for Justice
$15.00 $13.00 On Sale!
11" x 17" poster hand-lettered watercolour graphic
Poster: Until The Killing...
11" x 17" poster 2014 Ricardo Levins Morales
The stirring words of Ella Baker from 1964 and popularized in the song, "Ella's Song" by Sweet Honey In The Rock a generation later in 1988. The face of Trayvon Martin in the illustration poignantly brings the words to our present time. Here is a video of the group singing "Ella's Song":
Poster: Dare To Be Powerful
$30.00 $22.00 On Sale!
10" x 22" hand screenprinted on 110# heavy black matte stock 2012
Stunning, vibrant design! Graphic artist Ricardo Levins Morales created this print using the words of the late poet Audre Lorde: "When I dare to be powerful to use my strength in the servce of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid." . . . words to grow, thrive, and live by!
Eye-catching bright solid colors on contrasting black heavy poster stock background.
Poster: The Cycle of Cooperation
11 x 17" poster art by Ricardo Levins Morales union printed
Poster: Our Calling
11 x 17" poster art by Ricardo Levins Morales union printed
Text around border reads:
"Our calling is not to cross boundaries, defy restrictions or escape compartments. It is to embrace a universe that does not admit their existence."
Poster: Together We Can Do It!
24" x 18" Offset Lithographed Union Printed poster 2016
This celebration of women's power and the strength of diversity, by Innosanto Nagara, is a descendant of the classic Rosie the Riveter poster.
Also available as a postcard, P-TWC
© 2015 Design Action Collective / Innosanto Nagara
Item code: P-TWC
Poster: Aldous Huxley Quote
11" x 17" 67 pound white vellum stock Quotation from Aldous Huxley, writer and philosopher (1894-1963)
Text reads: "Freedom is supremely valuable for without Freedom human beings cannot be fully human. It is our duty therefore to do whatever we can to resist the forces that menace Freedom."
Poster: My Hands Are All I Own...
11 x 17" poster art by Ricardo Levins Morales union printed
Text reads: "My hands are all I own, they are my love and my sustenance." Victor Jara
"Mis manos son lo ϊnico que tengo, son mi amor y mi sustento."
Headwaters Foundation for Justice
This is a quote from the popular Chilean singer-songwriter, Victor Jara, who was arrested, imprisoned among thousands of other leftists in the national stadium where he was tortured and had all his fingers broken. The military guards then said "Play your guitar now!" and Victor did with broken fingers. The guards shot and killed him in front of the thousands of others they had rebounded up to torture and murdered. This owas one of the moist brutal coups ever backed by the U.S. government. The Chilean military bombed the Presidential palace on September 11, 1973 in a CIA-backed Coup D-Etat that overthrew the democractically-elected Socialist President. Salvador Allende. Henry Kissinger and the Nixon administration in the U.S. supported this coup, and for the next 19 years Chile was ruled by the fascist government of military General Augusto Pinochet. The ttory behind Victor Jara makes his words about his hands so much more powerful.
For n outstanding a docudrama about the September 11th Chilean Coup, see the Academy Award-Winning 1983 film "Missing" by Costa-Gavras. We carry the DVD.
Poster: "A Nation that continues year after year to spend more money on war than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death" Martin Luther King, Jr.
12" x 18" poster 2016 Martin Luther King quite on the U.S. war budget.
P-JLSF-IMAG 24" x 36" 2013 photograph of inlay at Strawberry Fields, the memorial to John Lennon (1940-1980) in Central Park, N.Y.C.
Mini Hanging Accordion-Style Mini-Poster: "Greetings & Thanks
2" wide by 3" tall, folded MINI-version of the original larger version 100% postconsumer recycled paper
In eleven hand-lettered and watercolor-illustrated panels, GREETINGS & THANKS honors the universal message of gratitude and thanksgiving. It is long and narrow when hung on your wall (it comes with hanging string), or small and handy for prayers and meditations when keep folded on a table. Inspired by the Thanksgiving Address of the Haudenosaunee, an oral tradition used at gatherings. Designed and drawn by Karen Kerney. A portion of the proceeds from sales of this poster go to the Onondaga Nation. (
Click on title to see the full text of the poster
Poster: Solar Energy - the fire in the sky
24" x 34" 100% post-consumer recycled 100 pound poster stock designed by Alan Kettler © 1985 / SCW © 2010
Renewable energy is generated from natural resources such as sunlight, wind, rivers, oceans and geothermal heat, which are naturally replenished. Unlike fossil fuels (coal and petroleum products), renewable sources of energy (solar, wind, water and geothermal) are clean and do not pollute the air, water or land.
Poster: "In Germany they first came for the Communists..."
$24.00 $12.00 On Sale!
18" x 24" white gloss 80 pound stock.
Quotation from Pastor Martin Nielmoller (1892-1984) He survived internment in a Nazi concentration camp.
Text on poster: "In Germany they first came for the Communists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Catholics and I did not speak up because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak out for me." -Pastor Martin Niemoller
This quotation is widely used to voice the need for unity and supporting one another under authoritarian governments and is a popular quotation to describe the dangers of political apathy in the face of authoritarianism. Repression always begins with specific and targeted fear and hatred which soon escalates to encompass more and more targeted groups.
Poster: Ray Bradbury Quote
2009 18" x 24" 80 pound heavyweight sem-igloss stock printed in full color
Quotation from fiction and fantasy writer and author of "Fahrenheit 451", Ray Bradbury (1920-2012): "You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them." A timeless observation about how a culture like our own can devolve into apathy, short attention spans, impatience, and distraction, as uncritical consumers. Most Americans now only read one book a year. A small minority continue to be avid readers of books. He will always be remembered through his visionary literary legacy. The publisher of this poster, Knowledge Unlimited has permanently discontinued this print and is out of business. We only have a very few remaining in stock and only sell one per customer.
Poster: Sophie Scholl
11" x17" print on 67 pound cover stock
"We will not be silent We are your bad conscience The White Rose will not leave you in peace!"Sophie Scholl, 9 May 1921 - 22 February 1943 Sophie Magdelena Scholl, German student & Co-founder of the White Rose group in Munich 1942. With her brother Hans and others wrote, mimeographed & distributed thousands of copies of a series of six fliers in 1942-43. Arrested 18 Feb 1943 they were tried, sentenced & beheaded five days later. Their courage in the face of facism as the only resistance group inside Nazi Germany will never be forgotten.
Poster: Ignorance = Fear, Silence = Death, Fight AIDS, Act Up
Original 1989 offset lithograph print by Keith Haring (1958-1990) 24" x 43" first edition lithograph print perfect condition, never displayed, vibrant fluorescent colors, the print has been stored flat on our inventory shelf for the 29 years since publication Extremely rare, since most were put up in 1989 by ACT UP activists in New York City. Shipped insured, UPS or Priority Mail.