Box 188
Hampton, CT
(860) 455-9621
Can't find something you're looking for? Just
ask, and we'll let you know if we have it or can get it.
Submitting Custom Artwork for Buttons & Stickers
You may email electronic files to: clay "at" donnellycolt "dot" com.
If you do not have an electronic file, but only original art on paper, you may send by mail to: Donnelly/Colt, P.O. Box 188, Hampton, CT 06247 or call us for the street address to send it by U.P.S. or FedEx.
If you only have an idea and would like us to typeset it, you may email us your rough sketch. We will typeset your message and email you back a Proof for your approval or revision before we print it.
For Printing Buttons please have art prepared:
• At 300 p.p.i. (pixels-per-inch) resolution or higher.
• Accepted programs are Adobe illustrator, QuarkXpress and Adobe
• Convert all type to outline form (Vector Art) If this cannot be done, include
all of the screen and printer fonts used in creating your
• Be sure to include any placed images used in creating the document. They
must be saved as a TIFF or EPS file.
• All disks and files must be Macintosh formatted.
• All products are 100% union made. Graphic Communications International
Union Label can be printed on the edge or the front of buttons or the
front of stickers.
• If your file is incomplete and needs changes or additions, or if scanning
of photo or art is necessary, add $60 art prep charge.
• Any full color artwork created in Photoshop must be saved as CMYK colors,
not as RGB colors. CMYK colors are preferred for the digital full color
process we use for printing buttons.
• We will provide a very small print credit or tag line on the rim edge of the button (not visible from the front) at no extra charge. Please spell out legibly the text you want. Please keep it as short as possible. Initials, or a short name, or a copyright date and name, a phone number or website. The one inch size buttons have very limited space around the circumference of the rim for text.