Poster: Raise Our Voices
18" x 24" art by Eric Drooker
Caption reads: "Raise our voices against the tanks! Join with us! Swell our ranks! Rid the world of evil tanks funded by evil banks!"
Poster: Never Doubt
$18.00 $15.00 On Sale!
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead Quote (Donnelly/Colt ©1995). 11"x17". 67 pound vellum stock.
Poster: How to Build Global Community
12" x 36" Designed by Karen Kerney watercolor also available as postcard (P-HTBGC)
12" x 36" Designed by Karen Kerney watercolor
Think of no one as "them" Don't confuse your comfort with your safety Talk to strangers Imagine other cultures through their poetry and novels Listen to music you don't understand Dance to it Act locally Notice the workings of power & privileged in your culture Question consumption Know how your lettuce and coffee are grown: wake up and smell the exploitation Look for fair trade and union labels Help build economies from the bottom up Acquire few needs Learn a second (or third) language Visit people, places, and cultures - not tourist attractions . . .
For rest of the quote, click on the title (above)
Poster: Buttons of the Cause (1960-2003)
24" x 36" Offset lithographed OUT-OF-PRINT LAST FEW OF THIS PRINT are still available. The publisher not be reprinting this. Poster created by a button collector and activist from his personal collection of hundreds of buttons from the 1960 to 2003. From Malcolm X to Generation X...from Black Power to nuclear power this is the poster that took 43 years to create. Even if you don't agree with the protests, events and demonstrations featured on these buttons, no one can argue that this contemporary art work is sure to spark conversation. With over 370 original buttons and 260 historical footnotes, this colorful art print poster is everything but black and white. This poster is not sold in stores or other catalogues. An impressive and colorful graphic history of American progressive causes of the late 20th century. A fascinating addition to any classroom, dorm room or home.
Click on title for more information about the poster...
Poster: Signs
Beautiful 17" x 22" watercolor illustration by Amy Bartell on heavy stock (A.E. Originals) witha quotation from Dante:
"The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times a great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality."
also avaiable as a T-shirt and postcard.
Poster: People Power vs. Militarism
NYC street artist/activist Eric Drooker's dramatic scratchboard art, first seen in the streets of Seattle during the 1999 protests against the World Trade Organization, International Monetary Fund and World Bank. 11" x 17".
Poster: "In Germany they first came for the Communists..."
$24.00 $12.00 On Sale!
18" x 24" white gloss 80 pound stock.
Quotation from Pastor Martin Nielmoller (1892-1984) He survived internment in a Nazi concentration camp.
Text on poster: "In Germany they first came for the Communists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Catholics and I did not speak up because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak out for me." -Pastor Martin Niemoller
This quotation is widely used to voice the need for unity and supporting one another under authoritarian governments and is a popular quotation to describe the dangers of political apathy in the face of authoritarianism. Repression always begins with specific and targeted fear and hatred which soon escalates to encompass more and more targeted groups.
Poster: If You Can Walk...
"If You Can Walk You Can Dance / If You Can Talk You Can Sing" A saying from Zimbabwe (Burning Spear Publications). Printed on heavy (14 point) ivory poster stock, 11"x17"
Poster: The Seven Deadly Social Sins
The Seven Deadly Social Sins: Politics without Principle; Wealth without Work; Commerce without Morality; Pleasure without Conscience; Education without Character; Science Without Humanity; Worship without Sacrifice. - Gandhi. 11"x17" on heavy paper. Published by Sojourners Magazine.
Poster: Let All Trade Be Fair!
$11.00 $9.00 On Sale!
11" x 17"Full Color by Ricardo Morales Levins
Whether it's coffee, soccer balls, fruit, chocolate, children's toys or household goods, let all trade be fair to the people of the world.
Poster: Corporate Cash - Few Nations Can Top It
Shows the top 70 entities in the world in terms of budget value; 41 are corporations. Of the top 100, 66 are corporations. Of the 547 with budgets/revenues over $90 billion, 90% are corporations! This chart
graphically dramatizes the problem of corporate domination of the world. Includes contact information for several good groups. 11"x17".
Poster: Columbus did not discover the new world, he invaded it.
$10.00 $5.00 On Sale!
11" x 17" 1992 designed for the 500th anniversary of the 1492 arrival of Columbus, and the subsequent exploitation, enslavemnent and death (by European diseases such as smallpox) of the indigenous Taino people in the "new world." offset pinted on a textured 70 pound Talc-colored cover stock.
Poster: A Call To Defy Corporate Domination
24" x 36" Black text on white coated stock Out-of-print 14 left.
Poster: Earth At Night
National Geographic Society 2009 22 x 35"
This intriguing map reveals the lights of the Earth at night in stunning detail. The rare view is a composite digital image made over a year on cloud-free nights. It also shows where fires rage, natural gas burns off, and fishing takes place at night. The most economically-developed countries of the world are also the most illuminated ones. The countries of western Europe, North America and Japan are the most illuminated at night, as are the industrial cities of China and India that operate 'round the clock.
An excellent conversation-starter and way to raise global awareness. Great for any classroom.
Poster: Co-Exist (Graffiti version)
$18.00 $13.00 On Sale!
24" x 36" Photograph of graffiti featuring the word "Co-exist"
Poster: Study History
$15.00 $12.00 On Sale!
11" x 17" design by Ricardo Levins Morales
from lyrics by Si Kahn and a quote by labor activist Peter Rachleff. This print drives home the importance of history in social change activism. A people or a movement without awareness of its own history are lost and destined to repeat the mistakes of the past.
Poster: Pyramid of Capitalist System
Pyramid of Capitalist System, 1911 11" x 17" Matte Finish Cover Stock
Also available as a postcard: Item # PC-POC
Poster: Same Struggle Different Difference
16" x 18" Offset Lithographed [poster 2014 © Dan Wilkins/ SCW©2014
"There is power in knowing my struggle is your struggle and yours mine." Dan Wilkins
Poster: Independent Alternative Media
$15.00 $10.00 On Sale!
2008 11" x 17" print designed by Ricardo Levins Morales.
Whether it's magazines, weekly papers, pirate low-power radio, cable TV channels, or internet broadcasting, alternative media tell our stories when the mainstream media does not. And alternative media is increasingly under attack.
Poster: Keep Calm & Carry On. NO THANKS. I'd Rather Raise Hell & Change The World
11" x 17" poster 67 pound cover stock union printed 2013 also available as a postcard (PC-KC)
Poster: Reclaim The Commons
11 x 17" poster art by Ricardo Levins Morales union printed
In an age of corporate commercial privatization of nearly every institution once held in common for the use of all, we need to reclaim and retain as part of our commonwealth all such essentials as water, roads, parks, and more.